Student loan consolidation - Financial Aid For Students

Released on = February 12, 2007, 9:13 am

Press Release Author = studentloanconsolidationx

Industry = Financial

Press Release Summary = Student loans are a vital source of financial aid for the
students who
need help in paying for their education in the college.

Press Release Body = Student loans are a vital source of financial aid for the
students who
need help in paying for their education in the college. Unfortunately,
students often leave their college with heavily burdensome debt. In
addition to it, they often have multiple loans from different lenders,
means that they are having more than one loan repayment check each
month.That means less headache. The solution to this problem is loan
consolidation.What is student loan consolidation?

Shane Harris , senior financial advisor in Student Loan ConsolidationX.
Student Loan consolidation means bundling all of your student loans
into a loan (single loan) with one lender & one repayment plan. students
can think of loan consolidation as an alternative to refinancing a home
mortgage loan. When you consolidates the student loans, the balances of
existing student loans from your debts are paid off, with the total
balance just rolling over into a ingle piece that is , one student
consolidation loan. Finally, the end result is that you have only one student
loan, now, to pay on through student loan consolidation.

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